Dayton Ohio Organization of Nursing Leadership

The Dayton Ohio Organization for Nurse Leaders uses Nursing Network to connect with their members and followers.

Please log in or create an account to become a member of The Dayton Ohio Organization for Nurse Leaders.

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Benefits of Membership

Benefits/Privileges of Membership:

1. Voting privileges: Full and Associate members
2. Committee membership privileges: Full, Associate, Honorary, and Emeritus members
3. DOONL Board participation: Full members & Emeritus members may serve at the discretion of the Board
4. Access to Membership Roster: Full, Associate, Honorary and Emeritus members: Board approval is required to share the membership list. The membership list will only be distributed to DOONL members.
5. Receives communications by e-mail and Facebook: Full, Associate, Honorary and Emeritus members
6. Invitation to Chapter Meetings: Full, Associate, Honorary and Emeritus members